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Paul Krugman Economics European Edition Pdf

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North American Review of Economics and Finance, 1990, 1, (2), 267-280 View citations (3) 1989. Comments 'on the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century' by Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata European Economic Review, 1989, 33, (5), 1083-1085; Differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates. Editions for Essentials of Economics: (Paperback published in 2006), (Paperback published in 2010), (Hardcover published.

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Postal address:414 Robertson Hall Princeton University Princeton NJ 08544
Workplace:Department of Economics, Princeton University, (more information at EDIRC)
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, (more information at EDIRC)

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Short-id: pkr10

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Working Papers


  1. Debt, Deleveraging and the Liquidity Trap
    2011 Meeting Papers, Society for Economic Dynamics View citations (8)


  1. Autobiography
    Nobel Prize in Economics documents, Nobel Prize Committee
  2. The road to global economic recovery, 2009
    Revista de Economía del Caribe, Universidad del Norte


  1. Increasing returns
    Nobel Prize in Economics documents, Nobel Prize Committee View citations (10)
  2. Interview of Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman
    Nobel Prize in Economics documents, Nobel Prize Committee


  1. Agglomeration, Integration and Tax Harmonization
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (71)
    Also inCEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2000) View citations (27)
    IHEID Working Papers, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies (2001) View citations (31)

    See alsoJournal Article in European Economic Review (2004)


  1. Domestic Distortions and the Deindustrialization Hypothesis
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (12)
  2. How the Economy Organizes Itself in Space: A Survey of the New Economic Geography
    Working Papers, Santa Fe Institute View citations (1)


  1. Competitividad: una peligrosa obsesión
    Ensayos de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín View citations (1)
  2. Globalization and the Inequality of Nations
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (962)
    Also inCEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (1994) View citations (6)
  3. Technology, Trade, and Factor Prices
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (55)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of International Economics (2000)
  4. The Seamless World: A Spatial Model of International Specialization
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (32)
    Also inCEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (1995) View citations (37)


  1. Fluctuations, Instability, and Agglomeration
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (7)


  1. Immigration, Investment and Real Wages
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (9)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Population Economics (1996)
  2. Inequality and the Political Economy of Eurosclerosis
    CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (5)
  3. Integration, Specialization and Adjustment
    CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (63)
    Also inNBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1993) View citations (26)

    See alsoJournal Article in European Economic Review (1996)
  4. Intergration
    CEP Discussion Papers, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE View citations (14)
  5. Technology and the Life Cycle of Cities
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (9)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Economic Growth (1997)
  6. Trade, Jobs, and Wages
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (92)
  7. What Do We Need to Know About the International Monetary System?
    Princeton Studies in International Economics, International Economics Section, Departement of Economics Princeton University, View citations (29)


  1. A Dynamic Spatial Model
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (93)
  2. Trade Policy and the Third World Metropolis
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (32)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Development Economics (1996)
  3. Why Have a Target Zone?
    CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (15)
    Also inThe Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS), University of Warwick, Department of Economics (1992) View citations (11)

    See alsoJournal Article in Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy (1993)


  1. Cities in Space: Three Simple Models
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (7)
  2. First Nature, Second Nature, and Metropolitan Location
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (22)
  3. Leapfrogging: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (9)


  1. Increasing Returns and Economic Geography
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (31)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Political Economy (1991)
  2. Integration and the Competitiveness of Peripheral Industry
    CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (134)
  3. Target Zones with Limited Reserves
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (32)


  1. History Vs. Expectations
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (2)
  2. International Trade Effects of Value Added Taxation
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (5)
    See alsoChapter (1990)
  3. Is Bilateralism Bad?
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (44)


  1. Deindustrialization, Reindustrialization, and the Real Exchange Rate
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (10)
  2. Differences In Income Elasticities and Trends in Real Exchange Rates
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (47)
    See alsoJournal Article in European Economic Review (1989)
  3. Financing vs. Forgiving a Debt Overhang
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (200)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Development Economics (1988)
  4. Market-Based Debt-Reduction Schemes
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (48)
  5. Target Zones and Exchange Rate Dynamics
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (38)


  1. Adjustment in the World Economy
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (13)
  2. Trigger Strategies and Price Dynamics in Equity and Foreign Exchange Markets
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (36)


  1. Industrial Organization and International Trade
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (7)
    See alsoChapter (1989)
  2. Is the Japan Problem Over?
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (3)
  3. Market Access and International Competition: A Simulation Study of 16K Random Access Memories
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (24)
  4. Persistent Trade Effects of Large Exchage Rate Shocks
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (7)
  5. Pricing to Market when the Exchange Rate Changes
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (167)


  1. Fiscal Policy, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates: Some Simple Analytics
    Working papers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics View citations (3)
  2. Increasing Returns and the Theory of International Trade
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (14)
  3. Is the Strong Dollar Sustainable?
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (17)
    See alsoJournal Article in Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole (1985)


  1. A 'Reciprocal Dumping' Model of International Trade
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (467)
    Also inWorking Paper, Economics Department, Queen's University (1982) View citations (3)
    Working Paper, Economics Department, Queen's University (1980) View citations (1)

    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of International Economics (1983)


  1. Inflation, Monetary Velocity, and Welfare
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc


  1. Consumption Preferences, Asset Demands, and Distribution Effects in International Financial Markets
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (21)
  2. Real Exchange Rate Adjustment and the Welfare Effects of Oil Price Decontrol
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (1)


  1. Oil and the Dollar
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (36)

Essentials Of Economics Krugman Pdf


  1. International Trade and Income Distribution: A Reconsideration
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
  2. Vehicle Currencies And the Structure Of International Exchange
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (6)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (1980)


  1. Contractionary Effects of Devaluations
    Working papers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics View citations (35)
    See alsoJournal Article in Journal of International Economics (1978)

Journal Articles


  1. Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo Approach
    The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2012, 127, (3), 1469-1513 View citations (620)


  1. Masahisa Fujita and The Transformation of Urban Economics
    Recherches économiques de Louvain, 2011, 77, (2), 9-10
  2. The New Economic Geography, Now Middle-aged
    Regional Studies, 2011, 45, (1), 1-7 View citations (47)
  3. The Profession and the Crisis
    Eastern Economic Journal, 2011, 37, (3), 307-312 View citations (30)


    Economic Inquiry, 2010, 48, (4), 1119-1123 View citations (3)


  1. The Increasing Returns Revolution in Trade and Geography
    American Economic Review, 2009, 99, (3), 561-71 View citations (56)


  1. Response to Nelson and Schwartz
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55, (4), 857-860 View citations (3)
  2. Trade and Wages, Reconsidered
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2008, 39, (1 (Spring)), 103-154 View citations (99)


  1. Asset Returns and Economic Growth
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2005, 36, (1), 289-330 View citations (12)
  2. Is Fiscal Policy Poised for a Comeback&quest
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2005, 21, (4), 515-523 View citations (18)


  1. Agglomeration, integration and tax harmonisation
    European Economic Review, 2004, 48, (1), 1-23 View citations (362)
    See alsoWorking Paper (2002)
  2. Confusions about Social Security
    The Economists' Voice, 2004, 2, (1), 1-11
  3. The new economic geography: Past, present and the future
    INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH, 2004, (4), 177-206 View citations (129)
    Also inPapers in Regional Science, 2003, 83, (1), 139-164 (2003) View citations (15)
    Economics of Governance, 2003, 83, (1), 139-164 (2003) View citations (15)


Paul krugman economics european edition pdf format
  1. Gelecek Kuşaklara Devir Teslim
    Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2003, 18, (210), 23-24


  1. Echaremos de menos a Tobin
    Revista de Economía Institucional, 2002, 4, (6), 197-199 View citations (1)
  2. Tobin'i Özlemek
    Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2002, 17, (193), 25-26


  1. Crisis: ¿el precio de la globalización?
    Boletín, 2001, XLVII, (3), 139-154


  1. Can America Stay on Top?
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2000, 14, (1), 169-175 View citations (5)
  2. Crises: the price of globalization?
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 2000, 75-106 View citations (9)
  3. How Complicated Does the Model Have to Be?
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2000, 16, (4), 33-42 View citations (60)
  4. Technology, trade and factor prices
    Journal of International Economics, 2000, 50, (1), 51-71 View citations (154)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1995)
  5. Thinking About the Liquidity Trap
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2000, 14, (4), 221-237 View citations (59)


  1. Balance Sheets, the Transfer Problem, and Financial Crises
    International Tax and Public Finance, 1999, 6, (4), 459-472 View citations (324)
  2. On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems1
    European Economic Review, 1999, 43, (2), 209-251 View citations (201)


  1. It's Baaack: Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1998, 29, (2), 137-206 View citations (436)
  2. Space: The Final Frontier
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1998, 12, (2), 161-174 View citations (149)
  3. Two Cheers for Formalism
    Economic Journal, 1998, 108, (451), 1829-36 View citations (12)
  4. What's New about the New Economic Geography?
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1998, 14, (2), 7-17 View citations (180)


  1. Technology and the Life Cycle of Cities
    Journal of Economic Growth, 1997, 2, (4), 369-83 View citations (37)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  2. Why Should Trade Negotiators Negotiate About?
    Journal of Economic Literature, 1997, 35, (1), 113-120 View citations (7)


  1. Confronting the Mystery of Urban Hierarchy
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 1996, 10, (4), 399-418 View citations (91)
  2. Immigration, investment, and real wages
    Journal of Population Economics, 1996, 9, (1), 83-93 View citations (24)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  3. Integration, specialization, and adjustment
    European Economic Review, 1996, 40, (3-5), 959-967 View citations (111)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  4. Making Sense of the Competitiveness Debate
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1996, 12, (3), 17-25 View citations (107)
  5. Trade policy and the Third World metropolis
    Journal of Development Economics, 1996, 49, (1), 137-150 View citations (360)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1992)


  1. America in the world economy: Understanding the misunderstandings
    Japan and the World Economy, 1995, 7, (2), 233-247 View citations (3)
  2. Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1995, 26, (1, 25th Anniversary Issue), 327-377 View citations (370)
  3. Innovation and agglomeration: Two parables suggested by city-size distributions
    Japan and the World Economy, 1995, 7, (4), 371-390 View citations (12)
  4. When is the economy monocentric?: von Thunen and Chamberlin unified
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1995, 25, (4), 505-528 View citations (129)


  1. Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography
    American Economic Review, 1994, 84, (2), 412-16 View citations (38)
  2. Past and prospective causes of high unemployment
    Economic Review, 1994, 79, (Q IV), 23-43 View citations (85)
    Also inProceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1994, (Jan), 49-98 (1994) View citations (129)


  1. Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (5), 1211-19 View citations (153)
  2. On the Relationship between Trade Theory and Location Theory
    Review of International Economics, 1993, 1, (2), 110-22 View citations (39)
  3. On the number and location of cities
    European Economic Review, 1993, 37, (2-3), 293-298 View citations (135)
  4. The Narrow and Broad Arguments for Free Trade
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (2), 362-66 View citations (24)
  5. What Do Undergrads Need to Know about Trade?
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (2), 23-26 View citations (35)
  6. Why have a target zone?
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1993, 38, (1), 279-314 View citations (35)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1992)


  1. Second thoughts on EMU
    Japan and the World Economy, 1992, 4, (3), 187-200 View citations (3)


  1. Exchange rates and policy coordination: Peter B. Kenen, (Manchester University Press, 1989) pp. 135, [UK pound]15
    Journal of International Economics, 1991, 30, (1-2), 195-197
  2. History and Industry Location: The Case of the Manufacturing Belt
    American Economic Review, 1991, 81, (2), 80-83 View citations (72)
  3. Increasing Returns and Economic Geography
    Journal of Political Economy, 1991, 99, (3), 483-99 View citations (3648)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1990)
  4. The move toward free trade zones
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1991, 7-58 View citations (106)
    Also inEconomic Review, 1991, 76, (Nov), 5-25 (1991) View citations (91)


  1. 'Factor market barriers are trade barriers' by R. Baldwin
    European Economic Review, 1990, 34, (4), 846-847
  2. Integración y competitividad de la industria periférica
    Estudios Económicos, 1990, 5, (2), 263-286
  3. Multinational enterprise: The old and the new in history and theory
    North American Review of Economics and Finance, 1990, 1, (2), 267-280 View citations (3)


  1. Comments 'on the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century' by Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata
    European Economic Review, 1989, 33, (5), 1083-1085
  2. Differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates
    European Economic Review, 1989, 33, (5), 1031-1046 View citations (185)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1988)
  3. Financiamiento vs condonación de un rezago de deuda
    El Trimestre Económico, 1989, LVI, (número especial), 5-23
  4. The Case for Stabilizing Exchange Rates
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1989, 5, (3), 61-72 View citations (13)
  5. The J-Curve, the Fire Sale, and the Hard Landing
    American Economic Review, 1989, 79, (2), 31-35 View citations (4)


  1. Desindustrialización, reindustrialización y tipo de cambio real
    Estudios Económicos, 1988, 3, (2), 149-167
  2. Exchange rates and international adjustment
    Japan and the World Economy, 1988, 1, (1), 63-87 View citations (1)
  3. Financing vs. forgiving a debt overhang
    Journal of Development Economics, 1988, 29, (3), 253-268 View citations (334)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1988)
  4. La nueva teoría del comercio internacional y los países menos desarrollados
    El Trimestre Económico, 1988, 55 (1), (217), 41-66 View citations (1)
  5. The Persistent U.S. Trade Deficit
    Australian Economic Papers, 1988, 27, (51), 149-58


  1. Is Free Trade Passe?
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1987, 1, (2), 131-44 View citations (123)
  2. The Persistence of the U.S. Trade Deficit
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987, 18, (1), 1-56 View citations (92)
  3. The narrow moving band, the Dutch disease, and the competitive consequences of Mrs. Thatcher: Notes on trade in the presence of dynamic scale economies
    Journal of Development Economics, 1987, 27, (1-2), 41-55 View citations (391)
  4. The problem of U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing
    New England Economic Review, 1987, (Jan), 18-29 View citations (5)


  1. International debt: Systemic risk and policy response: William R. Cline, (Institute for International Economics, Washington, 1984) pp. xix+317, $25
    Journal of International Economics, 1986, 20, (3-4), 389-391


  1. Is the strong dollar sustainable?
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1985, 103-155 View citations (25)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1985)


  1. The U.S. Response to Foreign Industrial Targeting
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1984, 15, (1), 77-132 View citations (7)


  1. A 'reciprocal dumping' model of international trade
    Journal of International Economics, 1983, 15, (3-4), 313-321 View citations (488)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1983)
  2. New Theories of Trade among Industrial Countries
    American Economic Review, 1983, 73, (2), 343-47 View citations (24)
  3. Targeted industrial policies: theory and evidence
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1983, 123-176 View citations (2)


  1. 'Simulating an oil shock with sticky prices' by Giavazzi et. al
    European Economic Review, 1982, 18, (2), 37-39b
    Also inEuropean Economic Review, 1982, 18, (1), 37-39a (1982)
  2. The macroeconomics of protection with a floating exchange rate
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1982, 16, (1), 141-182 View citations (10)


  1. Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade
    Journal of Political Economy, 1981, 89, (5), 959-73 View citations (337)
  2. Trade, accumulation, and uneven development
    Journal of Development Economics, 1981, 8, (2), 149-161 View citations (89)


  1. Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade
    American Economic Review, 1980, 70, (5), 950-59 View citations (1266)
  2. Vehicle Currencies and the Structure of International Exchange
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1980, 12, (3), 513-26 View citations (112)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1979)
Paul Krugman Economics European Edition Pdf
  1. Gelecek Kuşaklara Devir Teslim
    Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2003, 18, (210), 23-24


  1. Echaremos de menos a Tobin
    Revista de Economía Institucional, 2002, 4, (6), 197-199 View citations (1)
  2. Tobin'i Özlemek
    Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2002, 17, (193), 25-26


  1. Crisis: ¿el precio de la globalización?
    Boletín, 2001, XLVII, (3), 139-154


  1. Can America Stay on Top?
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2000, 14, (1), 169-175 View citations (5)
  2. Crises: the price of globalization?
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 2000, 75-106 View citations (9)
  3. How Complicated Does the Model Have to Be?
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2000, 16, (4), 33-42 View citations (60)
  4. Technology, trade and factor prices
    Journal of International Economics, 2000, 50, (1), 51-71 View citations (154)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1995)
  5. Thinking About the Liquidity Trap
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2000, 14, (4), 221-237 View citations (59)


  1. Balance Sheets, the Transfer Problem, and Financial Crises
    International Tax and Public Finance, 1999, 6, (4), 459-472 View citations (324)
  2. On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems1
    European Economic Review, 1999, 43, (2), 209-251 View citations (201)


  1. It's Baaack: Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1998, 29, (2), 137-206 View citations (436)
  2. Space: The Final Frontier
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1998, 12, (2), 161-174 View citations (149)
  3. Two Cheers for Formalism
    Economic Journal, 1998, 108, (451), 1829-36 View citations (12)
  4. What's New about the New Economic Geography?
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1998, 14, (2), 7-17 View citations (180)


  1. Technology and the Life Cycle of Cities
    Journal of Economic Growth, 1997, 2, (4), 369-83 View citations (37)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  2. Why Should Trade Negotiators Negotiate About?
    Journal of Economic Literature, 1997, 35, (1), 113-120 View citations (7)


  1. Confronting the Mystery of Urban Hierarchy
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 1996, 10, (4), 399-418 View citations (91)
  2. Immigration, investment, and real wages
    Journal of Population Economics, 1996, 9, (1), 83-93 View citations (24)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  3. Integration, specialization, and adjustment
    European Economic Review, 1996, 40, (3-5), 959-967 View citations (111)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1993)
  4. Making Sense of the Competitiveness Debate
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1996, 12, (3), 17-25 View citations (107)
  5. Trade policy and the Third World metropolis
    Journal of Development Economics, 1996, 49, (1), 137-150 View citations (360)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1992)


  1. America in the world economy: Understanding the misunderstandings
    Japan and the World Economy, 1995, 7, (2), 233-247 View citations (3)
  2. Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1995, 26, (1, 25th Anniversary Issue), 327-377 View citations (370)
  3. Innovation and agglomeration: Two parables suggested by city-size distributions
    Japan and the World Economy, 1995, 7, (4), 371-390 View citations (12)
  4. When is the economy monocentric?: von Thunen and Chamberlin unified
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1995, 25, (4), 505-528 View citations (129)


  1. Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography
    American Economic Review, 1994, 84, (2), 412-16 View citations (38)
  2. Past and prospective causes of high unemployment
    Economic Review, 1994, 79, (Q IV), 23-43 View citations (85)
    Also inProceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1994, (Jan), 49-98 (1994) View citations (129)


  1. Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (5), 1211-19 View citations (153)
  2. On the Relationship between Trade Theory and Location Theory
    Review of International Economics, 1993, 1, (2), 110-22 View citations (39)
  3. On the number and location of cities
    European Economic Review, 1993, 37, (2-3), 293-298 View citations (135)
  4. The Narrow and Broad Arguments for Free Trade
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (2), 362-66 View citations (24)
  5. What Do Undergrads Need to Know about Trade?
    American Economic Review, 1993, 83, (2), 23-26 View citations (35)
  6. Why have a target zone?
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1993, 38, (1), 279-314 View citations (35)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1992)


  1. Second thoughts on EMU
    Japan and the World Economy, 1992, 4, (3), 187-200 View citations (3)


  1. Exchange rates and policy coordination: Peter B. Kenen, (Manchester University Press, 1989) pp. 135, [UK pound]15
    Journal of International Economics, 1991, 30, (1-2), 195-197
  2. History and Industry Location: The Case of the Manufacturing Belt
    American Economic Review, 1991, 81, (2), 80-83 View citations (72)
  3. Increasing Returns and Economic Geography
    Journal of Political Economy, 1991, 99, (3), 483-99 View citations (3648)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1990)
  4. The move toward free trade zones
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1991, 7-58 View citations (106)
    Also inEconomic Review, 1991, 76, (Nov), 5-25 (1991) View citations (91)


  1. 'Factor market barriers are trade barriers' by R. Baldwin
    European Economic Review, 1990, 34, (4), 846-847
  2. Integración y competitividad de la industria periférica
    Estudios Económicos, 1990, 5, (2), 263-286
  3. Multinational enterprise: The old and the new in history and theory
    North American Review of Economics and Finance, 1990, 1, (2), 267-280 View citations (3)


  1. Comments 'on the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century' by Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata
    European Economic Review, 1989, 33, (5), 1083-1085
  2. Differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates
    European Economic Review, 1989, 33, (5), 1031-1046 View citations (185)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1988)
  3. Financiamiento vs condonación de un rezago de deuda
    El Trimestre Económico, 1989, LVI, (número especial), 5-23
  4. The Case for Stabilizing Exchange Rates
    Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1989, 5, (3), 61-72 View citations (13)
  5. The J-Curve, the Fire Sale, and the Hard Landing
    American Economic Review, 1989, 79, (2), 31-35 View citations (4)


  1. Desindustrialización, reindustrialización y tipo de cambio real
    Estudios Económicos, 1988, 3, (2), 149-167
  2. Exchange rates and international adjustment
    Japan and the World Economy, 1988, 1, (1), 63-87 View citations (1)
  3. Financing vs. forgiving a debt overhang
    Journal of Development Economics, 1988, 29, (3), 253-268 View citations (334)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1988)
  4. La nueva teoría del comercio internacional y los países menos desarrollados
    El Trimestre Económico, 1988, 55 (1), (217), 41-66 View citations (1)
  5. The Persistent U.S. Trade Deficit
    Australian Economic Papers, 1988, 27, (51), 149-58


  1. Is Free Trade Passe?
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1987, 1, (2), 131-44 View citations (123)
  2. The Persistence of the U.S. Trade Deficit
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987, 18, (1), 1-56 View citations (92)
  3. The narrow moving band, the Dutch disease, and the competitive consequences of Mrs. Thatcher: Notes on trade in the presence of dynamic scale economies
    Journal of Development Economics, 1987, 27, (1-2), 41-55 View citations (391)
  4. The problem of U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing
    New England Economic Review, 1987, (Jan), 18-29 View citations (5)


  1. International debt: Systemic risk and policy response: William R. Cline, (Institute for International Economics, Washington, 1984) pp. xix+317, $25
    Journal of International Economics, 1986, 20, (3-4), 389-391


  1. Is the strong dollar sustainable?
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1985, 103-155 View citations (25)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1985)


  1. The U.S. Response to Foreign Industrial Targeting
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1984, 15, (1), 77-132 View citations (7)


  1. A 'reciprocal dumping' model of international trade
    Journal of International Economics, 1983, 15, (3-4), 313-321 View citations (488)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1983)
  2. New Theories of Trade among Industrial Countries
    American Economic Review, 1983, 73, (2), 343-47 View citations (24)
  3. Targeted industrial policies: theory and evidence
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1983, 123-176 View citations (2)


  1. 'Simulating an oil shock with sticky prices' by Giavazzi et. al
    European Economic Review, 1982, 18, (2), 37-39b
    Also inEuropean Economic Review, 1982, 18, (1), 37-39a (1982)
  2. The macroeconomics of protection with a floating exchange rate
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1982, 16, (1), 141-182 View citations (10)


  1. Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade
    Journal of Political Economy, 1981, 89, (5), 959-73 View citations (337)
  2. Trade, accumulation, and uneven development
    Journal of Development Economics, 1981, 8, (2), 149-161 View citations (89)


  1. Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade
    American Economic Review, 1980, 70, (5), 950-59 View citations (1266)
  2. Vehicle Currencies and the Structure of International Exchange
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1980, 12, (3), 513-26 View citations (112)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1979)


  1. A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1979, 11, (3), 311-25 View citations (1096)
  2. A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income
    Journal of Political Economy, 1979, 87, (2), 253-66 View citations (388)
  3. Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade
    Journal of International Economics, 1979, 9, (4), 469-479 View citations (1110)


  1. Contractionary effects of devaluation
    Journal of International Economics, 1978, 8, (3), 445-456 View citations (257)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1976)
  2. Purchasing power parity and exchange rates: Another look at the evidence
    Journal of International Economics, 1978, 8, (3), 397-407 View citations (65)


  1. Flexible Exchange Rates in the Short Run
    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1976, 7, (3), 537-584 View citations (36)



  1. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (619)


  1. Currency Crises
    NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (6)
    See alsoChapter (1999)


  1. Development, Geography, and Economic Theory, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (42)
  2. Pop Internationalism, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (21)
  3. The Age of Diminished Expectations, 3rd Edition: U.S. Economic Policy in the 1990s, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (5)


  1. Currencies and Crises, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (7)
  2. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, 3rd Edition
    Peterson Institute Press: All Books, Peterson Institute for International Economics View citations (65)


  1. Empirical Studies of Strategic Trade Policy
    NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (15)


  1. Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands
    NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (51)
  2. Geography and Trade, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (84)


  1. Trade with Japan: Has the Door Opened Wider?
    NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (4)


  1. Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (48)


  1. Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics, vol 1
    MIT Press Books, The MIT Press View citations (123)

Edited books


  1. Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands
    Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press View citations (7)



  1. Revenge of the Optimum Currency Area
    A chapter in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2012, Volume 27, 2012, pp 439-448 View citations (32)


  1. And Now for Something Completely Different: An Alternative Model of Trade, Education, and Inequality
    A chapter in The Impact of International Trade on Wages, 2000, pp 15-36 View citations (3)
  2. Comment on 'The Aftermath of the 1992 ERM Breakup: Was There a Macroeconomic Free Lunch?'
    A chapter in Currency Crises, 2000, pp 282-284
  3. Fire-Sale FDI
    A chapter in Capital Flows and the Emerging Economies: Theory, Evidence, and Controversies, 2000, pp 43-58 View citations (32)
  4. Introduction to 'Currency Crises'
    A chapter in Currency Crises, 2000, pp 1-6 View citations (5)


  1. Currency Crises
    A chapter in International Capital Flows, 1999, pp 421-466 View citations (6)
    See alsoBook (2000)


  1. Are Currency Crises Self-Fulfilling?
    A chapter in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1996, Volume 11, 1996, pp 345-407 View citations (78)


Paul Krugman Economics Textbook

  1. Increasing returns, imperfect competition and the positive theory of international trade
    Chapter 24 in Handbook of International Economics, 1995, vol. 3, pp 1243-1277 View citations (45)


  1. Introduction to 'Empirical Studies of Strategic Trade Policy'
    A chapter in Empirical Studies of Strategic Trade Policy, 1994, pp 1-10 View citations (17)
  2. LDC Debt Policy
    A chapter in American Economic Policy in the 1980s, 1994, pp 691-740


  1. Recent Thinking About Exchange Rate Determination and Policy
    A chapter in The Exchange Rate, International Trade and the Balance of Payments, 1993 View citations (5)
  2. The Surge in Foreign Direct Investment in the 1980s
    A chapter in Foreign Direct Investment, 1993, pp 13-36 View citations (10)


  1. International Aspects of Financial Crises
    A chapter in The Risk of Economic Crisis, 1991, pp 85-134 View citations (6)
  2. Introduction to 'Trade with Japan: Has the Door Opened Wider?'
    A chapter in Trade with Japan: Has the Door Opened Wider?, 1991, pp 1-8 View citations (3)


  1. Equilibrium Exchange Rates
    A chapter in International Policy Coordination and Exchange Rate Fluctuations, 1990, pp 159-196 View citations (6)
  2. International Trade Effects of Value-Added Taxation
    A chapter in Taxation in the Global Economy, 1990, pp 263-282 View citations (39)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1989)


  1. Industrial organization and international trade
    Chapter 20 in Handbook of Industrial Organization, 1989, vol. 2, pp 1179-1223 View citations (21)
    See alsoWorking Paper (1986)
  2. Private Capital Flows to Problem Debtors
    A chapter in Developing Country Debt and the World Economy, 1989, pp 285-298 View citations (3)
    Also inA chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 1: The International Financial System, 1989, pp 299-330 (1989) View citations (3)

International Economics Krugman 10th Pdf


  1. Industrial Policy and International Competition in Wide-Bodied Jet Aircraft
    A chapter in Trade Policy Issues and Empirical Analysis, 1988, pp 45-78 View citations (23)
  2. Long-Run Effects of the Strong Dollar
    A chapter in Misalignment of Exchange Rates: Effects on Trade and Industry, 1988, pp 277-298 View citations (1)


  1. The International Role of the Dollar: Theory and Prospect
    A chapter in Exchange Rate Theory and Practice, 1984, pp 261-278 View citations (69)


  1. Oil Shocks and Exchange Rate Dynamics
    A chapter in Exchange Rates and International Macroeconomics, 1983, pp 259-284 View citations (49)


  1. Trade in Differentiated Products and the Political Economy of Trade Liberalization
    A chapter in Import Competition and Response, 1982, pp 197-222 View citations (7)

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